If you’re lost, we’re all a little lost and it’s alright
— Nightbirde

Empty, shattered, lost. To me, there is no greater heartache than feeling disconnected to your deepest sense of self. You feel a quiet yearning for help, drowned out by a stern voice of uncertainty. Sometimes, you just need an ally to hand over the microphone to the protagonist of your story.

I will be your ally, fellow journeyer, welcoming silence, tears, laughter, anger, and celebration dances along the way.

My style encourages heartfelt expression and deep connection.

I listen deeply, ask questions and make observations to help us go deeper, while modeling how you can do this for yourself in between sessions.

Licensed psychologist in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Dedicated to helping you develop a loving, deeper relationship with yourself.

Jana, beyond the office…

I’ve run two marathons, and cannot wait to run more!

I love inspirational quotes, songs, & courses

I make a mean apple pie & I have a huge sweet tooth

I’ve always wanted to learn sign language, and am determined to make that happen

And last but not least, I am a proud mama of one

Let’s Connect!

I would love to talk!
Please email me to set up a 15 minute consultation call! jana@drjanahartjen.com

P.S. Please list a few options, so we don’t play email tag!